Rose Petal Wedding Cake

PastryWiz step-by-step cake decorating instructions:
get ready - patterns - petals - shaping - final decor

Shaping the rose petals

Ball the edge using the bone or ball modelling tool. Continue all the way round the petal and ...

... then the middle.

Turn the petal over and give a final rub in the middle and then put to one side to dry.

Now repeat using various sizes of cutter until you have a good supply of petals on hand.

Leave to dry in a dry warm room until hard enough to pick up without bending.

Note: if you leave them near a window they may not dry properly and could droop due to moist air.

Next: Decorate the cake

select any of these wedding links:

Introduction - Icing and Frostings - Cake decorating example - Fillings and Flavors

How to select your cake - Secrets to a good CakePastryWiz

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Cake Decorating

