How to cover a cake in Royal Icing. Part 2
presented by Jane from Imaginative Icing

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8) Make sure the cake is in the center of the turntable. Using the palette knife spread icing onto the sides. Paddle the icing as before turning the cake as you go.(see picture) Clean the knife

wpeC.gif (3478 bytes) 9) Using the side scraper, Hold the scraper at a slight angle (about 15 degrees) against the cake side, with your other hand take hold of the board/turntable at the back of the cake near the scraper. Slowly, but without stopping, revolve the cake until a circle has been completed.(see picture) When the entire surface is smooth, lift the scraper away from the side. This will leave a take-off mark which initially will be very pronounced. With practice and after further coats of icing this mark will be less noticeable. If you are unhappy with your first attempt then re-paddle and have another go. When finished clean the scraper.
10) Using the palette knife, remove any surplus icing which has crept over the top edge of the cake. Do not return this icing to the bowl it will have dry icing in it. Clean off any icing left on the board and clean the palette knife.

NOTE: If you are icing a square cake the sides are coated individually

11) Leave the cake in a dry atmosphere to harden overnight then start all over again the next day. Store the remaining icing in an airtight container for later use. Two coats are absolutely necessary a third is recommended. If you are a beginner you may find that four or even five coats are needed before a satisfactory finish is obtained....don't despair though a little practice and you soon get your icing legs.

12) Before adding the second layer of icing make sure the first is dry. Remove any rough edges and the take-off line with the aid of the sharp knife. Use the soft brush to remove any loose particles of icing which could spoil the next coat of icing. The icing used for the second covering should be slightly softer than the first. Icing from the previous day should be of the correct consistency needed, it will need a stir before use though.

13) The third or final coat of icing, softer still than the previous coats, about the consistency of slightly whipped cream. The final coat is applied in exactly the same way as before, but with a little more pressure added when using the straight edge and the side scraper. Most of the icing is taken off the cake, leaving a thin, smooth film of icing.

Next: Make another Cake!

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Introduction - Icing and Frostings - Cake decorating example - Fillings and Flavors

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