Guest Chef Janice Springall Imaginative Icing

Imaginative Icing was established in 1986 by Janice Springall when she opened her first shop in Scarborough expanding later to larger premises at 22 Falsgrave Rd. She expanded again opening a second shop in York on Fishergate, moving in 1994 to Lendal in York (opposite the main post office).

Imaginative Icing specializes in creating high quality celebration and wedding cakes with a difference. They also stock everything you can think of for decorating cakes (and probably some you wouldn't) from the traditional cake frills, candles and themes to more specialist items such as cutters, moulds and stencils.

Our friendly and helpful staff are all experienced in cake decorating and are always willing to provide advice and assistance to our customers.

Our Aim is to inspire those who think they can only manage snow peaks and use cake frills, to try something more original such as the roll out sugar pastes and use the simpler cutters or stencils. Once most people have tried these things they realize how creative they can be!

Jan presents the following at the PastryWiz Food Resource Center:

Visit Imaginative Icing on the web or at these two locations:

22 Falsgrave Road
North Yorkshire, YO12 5AT
Tel: 01723 378116
Fax: 01723 500193
21 Lendal, York
North Yorkshire, YO1 8AQ
Tel: 01904 654635
Fax: 01904 611792

select any of these wedding links:

Introduction - Icing and Frostings - Cake decorating example - Fillings and Flavors

How to select your cake - Secrets to a good CakePastryWiz

Wedding Links - Wedding & Cake books - Bridal Guide - Modern Bride

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Cake Decorating

