Easter Recipes, Easter Modeling & Easter Cake Decorating


Make a hatching chick - step 2

Make the wings by making two small balls of paste and then squashing them.....and stick them to the sides of the chick's body

Make a very small cone of orange sugarpaste and stick it to the front of the chick's head....

Using the small knife make a cut for the beek...

Using the small paint brush and a little black food coloring add the eyes......

Make a small ball of white sugarpaste and flatten it out....

With the knife cut a several sided star shape from the paste.....

Place the pointy piece of paste onto the chick's head and the effect is complete......

A chick has just hatched...well done

Make another...

Color me Bunny - Chocolate Bunny - Coloring Eggs - Easter Bunny - Hatching Chick
more Easter Recipes

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