Wedding Cake Instructions for Precious Love

Wedding Cake Decorating
Everything you need to get to the top fast.

Everything you need to create beautiful wedding cakes. Each style has been designed for fast and easy decorating while offering tasteful elegance.

Before you start:
Using your favorite recipes bake, fill and assemble one 12-inch, one 10-inch and one 6-inch cake.

1)    Using white frosting ice all the cakes.

2)    Mark each cake for scallops. A simple consistent method to mark cakes for scallops is to use a paper or Styrofoam cup. Cups come in many sizes and diameters. Study the cups you have available. You may find several sizes that make perfect scallops for each size cake you are marking. Cut the cup in half and press the lip of the cup gently against the icing. The indentation is a guide to pipe your scallops over.

Mark 6 scallops for the 6-inch cake.
Mark 8 scallops for the 10-inch cake.
Mark 12 scallops for the 12-inch cake.
Please refer to marking a cake for scallops for additional details.

3)    Using pink icing pipe drop flowers on the scallops and in the center of the 10-inch cake with pastry tip #221.

4)    Using green icing pipe leaves around the flowers with pastry tip #352.

5)    Using pink icing pipe roses in the center of the 10-inch cake with pastry tip #104.

6)    Using white frosting pipe a top and bottom shell border on all the cakes with pastry tip #32.

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