Going Back to School to Become a Chef
In recent years, as the career of chef has taken on a new aura of glamour, more and more people are considering going to culinary school. Here are a few books that might be helpful to consult before you decide to don a student's toque.

The Guide to Cooking Schools Edition
by Dorlene Kaplan
Publisher: ShawGuides, Incorporated
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: October
Pub. Price $22.95

The very highly regarded Shaw GUIDE TO COOKING SCHOOLS is updated every year; it describes in detail professional colleges and grad schools, along with wine courses, culinary apprenticeships, and even cooking vacation programs around the world. Useful information like the names of the top teachers, student-to-teacher ratios, admission costs, and job success rates among graduates is provided.

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Peterson's Culinary Schools
Where the Art of Cooking Becomes a Career
by Peterson's Guides
ISBN#: 0768901278
Publisher: Petersons
Format: Paperback

It rates and describes two- and four-year culinary schools and apprenticeship programs around the country, and includes advice from and profiles of professional chefs.

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The Making of a Chef
Mastering the Heat at the Culinary Institute of America
by Michael Ruhlman
ISBN#: 0805046747
Publisher: Henry Holt & Co
Format: Hardcover
Pub. Price $27.50 Our estimated Price: $19.25   

In 1996 Michael Ruhlman entered the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York, to learn the art of cooking. After nine grueling weeks of classroom instruction, he was then granted entrance to the school's numerous kitchens to learn the secrets of mastering the techniques of world-famous chefs. Exploring the essence of becoming a chef, this book reveals the elusive, unnamable elements of great cooking.

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