Zingy Poached Salmon for TwoThe Diet Doctor’s Wife: This recipe is quick and easy. It’s an old dinner party standard. Vegetable oil spray Coat pan lightly with vegetable oil spray. Sauté onion, garlic and chili for
1-2 minutes. Add fish, water, tomato, lime juice, thyme, bay leaf, peppercorns
and salt. Bring to a boil and immediately reduce heat to simmer for 10 minutes. Nutrition Per Serving: Calories 269, Total Fat 6g. Saturated Fat 1g, Cholesterol 88mg, Sodium 130mg, Potassium 988mg, Total Carbohydrate 17g. Dietary Fiber 4g, Protein 37g. Calcium 116mg, Iron 5mg, Zinc 1mg, vitamin C 87mg, vitamin A 1062 IU, vitamin B6 .6mg, vitamin B12 5.lmcg, Thiamin Hi .4mg, Riboflavin B2 .3mg, Folacin S6mcg, Niacin 9mg *Note: We recommend that you use wild-caught salmon instead of farm-raised salmon. Source: The Diet Doctor’s Wife’s Cookbook by Gabrielle Nagler and Bill Nagler Buy the Diet Doctor’s Wife’s Cookbook in the US - UK - DE more recipes from this cookbook: