Cobweb Cookies - Halloween
Yield: 2 dozen 4- to 5-inch cookies 3/4 cup Gold Medal all-purpose flour or unbleached flour Beat all ingredients except powdered sugar in medium bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until smooth. Pour batter into plastic squeeze bottle with narrow opening. Heat 8-inch skillet over medium heat until hot; grease lightly. Working quickly, squeeze batter to form 4 straight, thin lines that intersect at a common center point to form a star shape. To form cobweb, squeeze thin streams of batter to connect lines. Cook 30 to 60 seconds or until bottom is golden brown; carefully turn. Cook until golden brown; remove from skillet. Cool on wire rack. Heat oven to 325 F. Bake cookies on ungreased cookie sheet 5 to 7 minutes or until almost crisp (cookies will become crisp as they cool). Remove from cookie sheet; cool. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Store cookies in container with loose-fitting cover. Tips: Planning a party? Source: Gold Medal Flour, a Reg. TM of General Mills, Inc. Next: more Halloween Recipes & Halloween Cake Decorating Ideas