Pineapple-Orange Ice Cream - Frozen CustardYield: about 2 quarts
In medium saucepan, beat together eggs, milk and sugar. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture reaches 160 F and coats a metal spoon with a thin film. Cool quickly by setting pan in ice or cold water and stirring for a few minutes. Cover and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled, at least 1 hour. When ready to freeze, pour chilled custard, puree, whipping cream, juice concentrate, peel and vanilla into 1-gallon ice cream freezer container. Freeze according to manufacturer’s directions. Transfer to freezer and freeze until firm. *To puree, peel and core pineapple. Cut into chunks and place in 5-cup
blender or food
processor container. Cover. Blend at medium speed until smooth. Also see: Vanilla Ice Cream - step-by-step instructions