Orange Vanilla Flan

Yield: 8 - 12 servings, depending on size of custard dishes or ramekins.

6 Eggs
3/4 cup Sugar
3 cups Milk
1 Orange, zest only
1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup Sugar


To make caramel put 1-cup of sugar in a pot and add enough water to make it look and feel like wet sand. Place over high heat and cook until it turns a golden brown color. When the color is right pour the caramel into custard dishes or ramekins to coat the bottom and some of the sides with it. Set aside. 

In a pot scald the milk with the zest of one orange and the vanilla extract. In a bowl mix the eggs and 3/4 cup of sugar together until incorporated. Temper the milk mixture into the egg mixture by pouring a little at a time into it and mixing. When mixes are completely combined strain and place in a container to chill.

When chilled pour into the caramel lined dishes and place in a water bath (baking dish filled 1/3 of the way with water). Bake at 340 F until the custard sets. It should jiggle a little like Jello when done. Chill.

When chilled, invert the custard carefully onto a plate and let caramel sauce flow around. Serve immediately.

Garnish with whip cream or candied orange zest.

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