Kamut and wild rice Salad
serves 4

2 cups cooked kamut **
2 cups cooked wild rice 
1 small carrot, diced
1 small stalk celery, diced
1/2 cup red or green bell pepper, diced
1/4 cup red onion, diced

1 Tbs. Roasted garlic, pureed
1/4 C Sherry Vinegar
3/4 C Olive Oil
Salt and pepper, to taste
Parsley, fresh and minced
Dill, fresh and minced

In a large mixing bowl combine kamut, wild rice, carrot, celery, pepper, and red onion. In another mixing bowl combine all dressing ingredients. Toss together and refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.

** Kamut® is a strain of wheat that has not been cross-bred and hybridized as traditional wheat has. Quite large, Kamut® migrated to the U.S. from Egypt, and has been used successfully by some people with wheat allergies. Grind into a flour and use instead of whole wheat flour in breads. Kamut® may also be cooked and added to rice to create a chewy, interesting textured pilaf. You can find Kamut in your natural health store.

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