Chocolate Fun
Put "eat chocolate" at the top of your list of things to do today. That way, at least you'll get one thing done.

Milk Chocolate Hazelnut Praline Mice
by Tish Boyle and Timothy Moriarty
Authors of Chocolate Passion
Yield: about 60 mice

Part 3 of 3

Coat the chocolate mice

  1. Temper the milk chocolate. Put the tempered chocolate into a 1-quart glass bowl and set on a heating pad set to low heat to maintain the correct coating temperature. Line 2 baking sheets with silicone baking mats with the textured side facing up. Arrange the work area so that the uncoated centers are to the left of the tempered chocolate, with the mat-covered baking sheet on the right. Reverse these positions if you are left-handed.
  2. Gently drop a mouse center (still attached to its round chocolate base) with the head facing up, onto the surface of the melted chocolate. Slide the prongs of a 3-pronged dipping fork underneath the mouse and at an angle, gently submerge the mouse into the chocolate until it is completely coated. Lift the coated mouse out of the chocolate and tilt the fork slightly so that it slips about an eight of the way off the end of the fork. Level the fork and gently tap the bottom of the fork in a forward circular motion, barely touching the surface of the chocolate. Tap several times until very little chocolate is being pulled from the bottom of the mouse.
  3. Lift the fork away from the surface of the chocolate and lightly touch the edge of the bowl with the bottom of the fork. Hold the fork at a slight angle and follow the curve of the bowl with it to remove any excess chocolate that is left on the bottom of the fork.
  4. Place the coated mouse on the upper right-handed corner of the baking mat and pull the fork away with a quick but gentle motion. Coat the remaining mice in the same manner, setting them on the baking mats in straight rows.

Decorate the chocolate mice

  1. Temper the dark chocolate. Make a small paper cone with a tiny opening at the tip. Fill the cone with some of the tempered dark chocolate. Pipe tiny dots for the eyes and nose on the face of each mouse. Pipe a curled tail on the back of each mouse. Let the chocolate mice set for at least 1 hour before removing them form the silicone mat.
  2. Spread the remaining tempered milk and dark chocolates into even layers onto waxed paper lined baking sheets and refrigerate for 10 to 15 minutes, until hardened. Let the chocolate stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Break into pieces and store in zip-lock bags.
  3. Store the chocolate mice in an airtight container for up to 5 days at room temperature, or in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Allow the chocolates to come to room temperature in the storage container before serving.

Buy Chocolate Passion
Copyright: Tish Boyle, Timothy Moriarty, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved

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