Sugar Cookies

1 Pound Sugar
12 Ounces Shortening
1/2 Ounce Salt
6 Ounces Eggs (3/4 cups, about 4 large or medium eggs)
6 Ounces Milk
2 Tablespoons Vanilla
2 Pounds Pastry Flour
1/4 Ounce Baking Powder

Yield: 4 lb 8 3/4 oz.

Baking Instructions: 375F.

Cream together sugar, shortening and salt. Add eggs and cream. Stir in milk and vanilla. Sift together flour and baking powder, add to mixture, and mix until smooth. Roll out 1/4 in. thick and sprinkle granulated sugar over the surface. Cut out and bake on lightly greased pans.

Recipe from The Baker's Manual by Joseph Amendola

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