Papas Chorreadas

1 lb of small or medium red potatoes
2 medium tomatoes
1 cup of Milk
a bunch of cilantro (also known as Chinese parsley)
a bunch scallions
white cheese
table salt

Peel the potatoes partially leaving some skin on. Boil the potatoes until  tender. Chop onions cilantro and tomato into fine small pieces. Shred about 1/2 cup of white cheese. Stir fry the onions cilantro and tomato in a frying pan, until they are mixed and cooked well. Add the milk, cheese, and salt to taste. Turn heat to low, and let it simmer until it thickens. Serve the potatoes on a plate, and add the sauce on top, or mix drain the water from the potatoes, and add sauce to them, and mix well.

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