Thanks to Bob Graham for this recipe:


Mix to a smooth paste in a saucepan...
	4 tbsp. cocoa
	in a little cold water
Stir in...
	2 cups water
	1/3 cup sugar
	2 cups milk
Bring to a boil and blend in...
	2 tbsp. cornstarch dissolved in a little cold milk	
Boil 3 minutes longer.  Remove from heat and set in warm place.
Beat until light and foamy...
	1 egg with 1/2 cup hot water
Pour half of egg mixture into a pitcher.
Blend in...
	1/2 tsp. vanilla
Add hot chocolate slowly.  Pour remaining egg mixture over top.  Serve at once.
Amount: 6 servings.

George Washington's favorite hot chocolate!  From a radio friend who wrote," It came from my cousin whose husband is a direct descendant of Martha Washington."

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