Title: Infused Oils - Ma La Oil "China Moon"
 Categories: Condiment, Oil, China moon
      Yield: 2 1/2 cups
------------------------NORMA WRENN-----------------------------
      1 c  Corn or Peanut oil
      1 c  Japanese sesame oil
    1/2 c  Scallions, green & white
           - cut in rings
     15    Ginger quarter-size coins
           - smashed
      2 tb Peppercorns, Szechwan brown
    2/3 c  Chile Flakes, dried red
           -shockingly pungent
      2 ts Kosher salt
  Combine all ingredients in a heavy, non aluminum 1 1/2 quart
  saucepan. Rest a deep-fry thermometer on the rim of the pot. Over
  moderately low heat, bring the mixture to a bubbly 225 degrees
  stirring occasionally. Let simmer for 15 minutes, checking to ensure
  the temperature does not rise. Remove from the heat and let stand
  until cool or overnight.
  Strain the oil without pressing the solids; then, discard the solids.
  Store the oil in an impeccably clean glass jar at cool room
  temperature. Menu Sugguestions: Because of the large proportion of
  sesame oil, this is a rich oil. A little bit goes a long way. A
  spoonful added to a salad dressing or brushed on the plate on which a
  fish will steam or on the skin of a just smoked or roasted bird gives
  an inimitable touch of lushness. If you are a bread baker, brush a
  bit on your next loaf, if you are tossing pasta, drizzle a bit on the
  noodles just before serving.
  Source: "China Moon" Barbara Tropp Workman Publishing Company ISBN
  1-56305-315-2  1992

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