Categories: Fish
      Yield: 4 Servings
           Stephen Ceideburg
  1 1/2 lb Whole Snapper, Rockfish,
           -Porgy, or similar fish
      1 md Onion or 1/4 pound shallots,
      2    Cloves garlic, chopped
      1    Stalk lemongrass, thinly
    1/2 ts Shrimp paste (optional)
      3    Fresh red or green chiles,
           -seeds and veins removed,
           -chopped, or:
    1/2 ts Chili powder
      2 sl Fresh galangal or 1 teaspoon
    1/3 c  (approximately) cornstarch
           Oil, for deep frying
      2 tb Yellow bean sauce, mashed
    1/3 c  Tamarind Water
      1 pn Sugar
           Fresh Basil for garnish
  1. Prepare fish as directed below. Pat dry with paper towels, sprinkle
  lightly with salt, and set aside.
  2. In a mortar, food processor, or blender, combine onion, garlic,
  lemongrass, shrimp paste (if used), chiles, and galangal and process
  to a paste.
  3. Pat fish dry again and dust liberally with cornstarch, rubbing it
  into cuts in sides.
  4. Fill a wok or deep skillet with oil to a depth of at least 2 inches
  (allow room for oil to rise when fish is added). Heat oil to 375
  degrees F. Carefully add fish to oil, placing it on its side. Ladle
  oil over any exposed part of fish. Fry fish on both sides, turning
  once with slotted spoons or Chinese wire skimmer, until a skewer
  easily penetrates thickest part. Lift fish out of oil and let drain
  over pan, then transfer to warm serving platter.
  5. Turn off heat under frying oil, allow to cool, and reserve for
  frying fish another time. in another skillet or wok, heat 2
  tablespoons oil over medium heat (some of the frying oil can be used
  for this step). Add seasoning paste and cook, stirring, until quite
  fragrant. Add yellow bean sauce, cook another few seconds, and add
  Tamarind Water and sugar. Cook sauce until slightly thickened.
  6. Blot away any accumulated oil from fish platter and pour sauce over
  fish. Garnish with sprigs of coriander, if desired.
  Serves 4 with other dishes.
  Like poultry, fish retains its flavor and moisture better if cooked
  whole with the bones.  To prepare a whole fish for frying or
  steaming, follow these steps.
  1. Have fish cleaned and scaled, with head and tail left on. Cut open
  bell cavity, if this was not done in cleaning. Pull away any bits of
  gills and internal organs. Look for two strips of red tissue lying
  alongside backbone; if present, cut them open wit tip of knife. Rinse
  cavity well under running water until no trace of bloody tissue
  2. Score both sides of fish with diagonal cuts almost to the bone, 1
  to 2 inches apart.  This speeds the cooking time and allows the
  seasonings to penetrate the fish faster. if you want to serve a
  steamed or fried fish @(swimming" on the platter (belly side down),
  cut back from cavity toward tail on one side of bones, extending the
  cavity toward the tail. Spread the rib cage open and arrange the fish
  upright on the steaming plate, bending the tail to fit, if necessary.
  From the California Culinary Academy's "Southeast Asian Cooking", Jay
  Harlow, published by the Chevron Chemical Company, 1987. ISBN

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