Title: The Corner House's Caesar Salad Categories: Salads, Dressings, Dkuhnen msn Yield: 8 servings 2 cl Garlic 2 Shallots or 1 small onion 1 Egg yolk 1 T Dijon mustard 1 T Capers 2 Anchovy fillets 2 T Grated parmesan cheese 1 t Salt 1/4 c White vinegar 1 t Tabasco sauce 2 t Worcestershire sauce 3 T Cold water 1 c Olive oil Put all ingredients except water and oil in blender. If using onion, cut into chunks before adding. Blend on slow speed one minute then increase to medium high. Slowly pour in oil. When dressing begins to thicken gradually add water. Keeps in refigerator for one day. Makes 2 cups or enough dressing for a salad to serve 8. Source: The Toronto Star Newpaper, Chef's Showcase. (From The Corner House Restaurant, 501 Davenport Road, Toronto.)
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