Title: Cherry Tomatoes with Pesto Pasta
 Categories: Appetizers, Martha s, Tvg, Entertain
      Yield: 40 servings
           -Martha Stewart Hors d'
      1 c  Cooked, small pasta
    1/4 c  Olive oil
    1/4 c  Fresh basil, minced
      1 cl Garlic, minced
      2 tb Parmesan, grated
     40    Firm cherry tomatoes (2 pts)
  Wash and dry cherry tomatoes. With sharp, serrated knife, cut off
  round bottom of each tomato. Remove seeds and pulp with small
  melon-ball scoop and put tomatoes, cut-side down, on rack to drain.
  Refrigerate until ready to serve. (Cutting off rounded bottom and
  standing them on the stem end makes them liss apt to roll.) Combine
  filling ingredients in a mixing bowl and fill tomatoes.  Formatted by
  Theresa Grant, HWWK11B, from Martha Stewart Entertaining.

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