Ají de Atún 

1/3 cup of oil
1 small onion diced
2 crushed pieces of garlic
2 tuna cans
2 French bread
1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup of parmesan cheese
2 blended fresh hot pepper (Ajíes)
cumin, oregano, salt y pepper
potatoes, olives, hard boiled egg

D i p : the bread into the milk and water then blend

H e a t : into a saucepan the oil and fry the onios. add the spices and 

A d d : The blended bread, when noticed to be cooked, let it cook for a 
couple more minutes, then add the tuna and the parmesan cheese.

G a r n i s h : potatoes, olives, hard boiled eggs and rize.

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