Spaghettini with Cognac from Loreto

4 tbs. olive oil        
2tbs. butter  
1 medium onion, sliced   
1green onion, chopped.          
8oz. bacon or pancetta,chopped.       
2 clove garlic finely chopped
5 tomatooes peeled and chopped  
8 oz. Cognac.    
2cup heavy cream.   
salt and pepper        
1/2 cup parm. cheese    
6 tbs.  chopped fresh parsley

heat the oil and butter in a pan and saute the oniopns, bacon and garlic until browned. 
Add the tomatoes and let simmer for 5minutes.      Toss the cooked pasta with butter and 
cheese, place on a serving platter and pour the sauce on top. sprinkle on the chopped parsley 
and serve!!!

Tip:  toss the pasta with the butter only then sprinkle the cheese on later.

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