Father's Day Dinner fit for a King

It happens every year: 
The kids plan an elaborate Father's Day dinner. They measure. They stir. They chop. (With a little supervision from Mom, of course.) They whip up a dinner fit for a king (the king of the house, that is). As that paternal parent lounges in the luxury of a day dedicated just to him, the children present their feast. The man of the hour enjoys a meal designed to cater to his every taste bud. Then, once dinner is finished, the whole family kicks back.

Except Mom.

Mom's back in the kitchen looking at the disaster brought on by the day's cookfest: greasy pots and pans in the sink, food remnants on the counters and floors. It looks like the stove exploded all over the room!

It doesn't have to be that way, though. With a little helpful guidance from Mom, and some ideas from "Quick & Healthy Volume II: More help for people who say they don't have time to cook healthy meals," the kids can prepare a meal that's easy to make, tastes great and doesn't create kitchen calamity. Try Chicken Cordon Bleu, for example. This elegant sounding dish will satisfy any hungry man's appetite. Add a baked potato and a salad to keep the meal simple.

The best part is that there's little to clean. And it's so easy to prepare that the kids should have no problem adding their own cleanup to the cooking duties. Add easy Chocolate Cream Pie for dessert and dinner's complete.

Cooking with "Quick & Healthy II" also shows Dad you care enough to think about his health. All the recipes are low-fat, low in sugar and high in the taste department. Author and registered dietitian Brenda J. Ponichtera has developed the recipes in the cookbook to offer a healthful, but still simple and tasty way of eating.

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