Title: Mock Cheese Sauce
 Categories: Sauces, Vegetarian
      Yield: 6 Servings
      1 lb Tofu
    1/2 c  Nutritional yeast flakes
    1/2 c  Raw cashews
      1 c  Rice, nut, or soy milk
      2 tb Margarine or butter
      1 tb Lemon juice
      1 ts Honey or sugar
      1 ts Mustard
    1/2 ts Salt
       Mix all ingredients in blender on high until smooth. Then just
  heat in saucepan and serve over your favorite vegetable.
       You could also add some chili powder and a dash of cayanne
  pepper (if you like it a bit spicey) and serve over nacho chips.
       It's also great on pizza, as a bread spread, in quiche, in
  layered casseroles, in lasagna, fondue...use your imagination.
       You may omitt either the cashews or the yeast flakes (but not
  both) and still have a yummy cheese-type sauce. I enjoy it best with
  both but when I'm out of one of those I go ahead and omitt it.
       You may also substitute 1 1/2 more cups of the milk for the Tofu
  if you don't have any.  Just thicken it with cornstarch when you heat

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